勝木薬局(Katsuki Pharmacy)

Beauty & Health

Pharmacy in a town closely tied to the area

We sell pharmaceuticals and general healthcare supplies, and provide pharmacy service under health insurance. We aim to be a local pharmacy that delivers considerate service. We also deliver to your home, workplace, residence facility, etc., so please feel free to consult with us.


Address 85,Ryusuke-machi,Komatsu,Ishikawa
Tel 0761-22-0226
Fax 0761-23-2322
Open Weekday 9:00~19:00 Sat 9:00~17:00
Close Sun&Public holiday
Mail katsuki-p@po3.nsknet.or.jp
URL http://www.katsuki-p.com/
Toorimachi combining old and new.